January 28, 2025

9 thoughts on “High Carb Foods to avoid for a healthy life

  1. Why the sweet potatoes? I thought they were not as starchy and are of an entirely different family from potatoes?

    Potatoes, peppers and aubergines are in the deadly nightshade family and some people avoid those generally because of some allergic reactions.

    I know this is for diabetes reversal, it would be good to know what to look out for when choosing what to avoid.

    1. Good question Rob.
      Eggplant has 4-5 gm of net carbs per 100g. It’s a no brainer and you can have it.
      When u say peppers, I’m guessing ur referring bell peppers, and it’s more or less same.
      But potato pack a bit over the line. 25g per 100g. It’s not as bad as rice or bread or pasta but considering we eat more of ‘em it ends up bad. Hope that clarifies

    2. And sweet potatoes are not far off from regular potatoes. And believe me I did a month worth of sweet potatoes research. It’s not worth either for diabetic or weight loss because of the common denominator carbs.

    3. Bottom line. Avoid high carb foods. The more you avoid em the more it’s good for weight loss, diabetes, blood pressure, healthy heart, age reversal

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